Friday 16 January 2009

One Day I will Miss All This

I need to tidy the house.
It is in this state most of the time.
Usually I have a heavy heart when I have to pick up clothes, tidy and hoover.
Today I looked at it all through fresh eyes and remembered that one day I will miss all this.


Kelly said...

Hi Jane,It's true how fast it all goes by! I remember my stepson's bedroom used to drive me nuts with his GI Joe toys and stuff he's 27 and long moved out and goes by in the blink of an eye, so good to look at it with the eyes you are looking at now...gratefulness is a great attitude changer!
PS I just started following your clothing blog, and love the idea of not spending $ on clothes for year..I am tempted to try it out, maybe for six months! I don't think I have as many clothes as you, but I do have a lot and probably could make it through till summer!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Oh, oh, oh, I have just Done our house and felt cross with all the damned clothes everywhere and the mess and the rubbish... and then I read your post and Pffff! All annoyance is gone. Thanks! I needed that.x